Polluted Water Sees Stray Dogs Turn Bright Blue!

In the UK, we’re used to turning on the taps and having water perfectly fit for human consumption come flooding out of the faucet… but it’s fair to say that not everyone is as lucky as us around the world. We’ve just come across this article in the Daily Mail about the sudden appearance of [...]

By |2017-08-29T12:15:11+01:00|News|0 Comments

Water ‘Failing Quality Tests’ Because Of Poor Plumbing

Almost a quarter of subpar water samples taken from homes across the UK failed water purity tests because of poor plumbing, a national body for water safety has claimed. Each year, thousands of water samples are tested for bacteria and substances such as pesticides and metals. Results are then published in an annual report by [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments

Fossil Groundwater ‘At Risk’ Thanks To Human Activity

Deep wells around the world that contain fossil groundwater that is thought to be over 12,000 years old have been found to contain signs of rainwater from present day – even at depths of over 250m. This is according to new research from the University of Calgary, which has found that human activity is putting [...]

By |2017-05-05T17:13:59+01:00|News|0 Comments
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