Is Your Festive Event Suitable For Disabled Children?

Christmas is a magical time for all but no more so than for children, yet it seems that there are some little ones being left out in the cold by organisers of festive events. New research from charity Scope has just revealed that 43 per cent of disabled children have been turned away from a [...]

By |2017-12-20T15:46:55+00:00|News|0 Comments

How Muddy Is It Going To Be At Glastonbury This Year?

If you are heading off to Glastonbury, the first question you are likely to ask yourself after you check you have all your festival catering equipment, is how muddy is it going to be? Rain at Glastonbury Festival is as British as a cup of tea, as is moaning about it. Many years have suffered [...]

By |2017-06-15T14:36:59+01:00|News|0 Comments

6 Tips for Food Stall Businesses at Festivals

Planning It is important to plan which festivals you are interested in as some of the larger festivals will require you to apply several months prior to the event as third party agencies sometimes manage the catering.   Baby steps If you are new to this type of food catering attend a smaller festival first [...]

By |2017-04-19T12:02:25+01:00|News|0 Comments
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