River Water Ice Lollies Show Pollution

Water delivery companies have never looked so important, once you have seen the impact that pollution has on our water supplies An artist has frozen water found in Taiwan’s water ways, into ice lolly moulds to show how serious the issue of water pollution is in the country. Plastic pollution is a particular problem with [...]

By |2017-09-05T12:09:23+01:00|News|0 Comments

Wessex Water & United Utilities ‘Top’ For Improving Water Quality

A new report from the Environment Agency (EA), looking into what steps water companies in the UK are taking to improve water quality, has revealed that United Utilities and Wessex Water have come top in this regard. Companies have continued to improve reporting of pollution, but some still need to make significant improvements where this [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments

Alcohol-Free Drinks Festival Comes To UK

Water delivery companies will know how high the demand for clean drinking water is at a festival where a lot of alcohol is consumed to stave off dehydration, but on the horizon, there is a brand-new festival where revellers will be guaranteed to come away hangover free. Those who prefer to live an alcohol-free lifestyle [...]

By |2017-07-15T12:15:10+01:00|News|0 Comments

Glastonbury Warns Revellers Of ‘Pee Problem’

The best water delivery companies know the challenges that lie in wait when keeping an entire music festival hydrated for those fun few days. However, the clean up effort after the fact is also an important part of the job, putting the site back to how it was found, ready for the event to take [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments

South of England’s Best Beer Festivals For April

If you’re planning a large event or festival, you’ll no doubt be looking for top water delivery companies to keep your attendees hydrated, but nowhere is this more important than at a beer festival. After all, if your event goers are more interested in enjoying the best beers on offer, they’ll need to pace themselves [...]

By |2017-04-03T14:39:56+01:00|News|0 Comments
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