Birmingham Residents Have Discoloured Tap Water

We’re incredibly lucky in the UK that the water that flows out of our taps - whether water for events or in our homes - is, predominantly, very clean and always fit for human consumption. But that just means when there are issues they’re quickly picked up on. This has been the case recently in [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments

Boomtown Under Fire For Organisation Failures

Boomtown Festival, which took place in Winchester between August 10th-13th, has been criticised for an organisation failure that saw huge crowds stuck in fields without toilet or water facilities for up to eight hours. According to the Daily Telegraph, queues appeared because the gates to the festival opened three hours later than originally planned. A [...]

By |2017-08-21T12:04:05+01:00|News|0 Comments

Scottish Water Best In World

While we provide water for events everywhere we are especially pleased to hear that Scottish water is now officially, the best in the world. There are a number of festivals taking place in Scotland this summer, not least the Edinburgh Festival, so head to these to get a taste of the best water the world [...]

By |2017-08-01T11:56:53+01:00|News|0 Comments

Reusing Plastic Water Bottles ‘Could Be Damaging’

Providing water for events is an absolute must, but organisers might want to remind their guests that reusing plastic bottles could actually be bad for their health. Speaking to Good Housekeeping, Dr Marilyn Glenville explained that certain chemicals can be found in these bottles that are actually bad for us, affecting ovulation and increasing risks [...]

By |2017-06-30T13:20:30+01:00|News|0 Comments

The Importance Of Hand Washing

If you have been wondering whether or not you need water for events you run, then ask yourself: would you be happy to have no hand washing facilities while you work? Whether you are heading to a festival this summer with your food stall or you occasionally set up field kitchens for weddings, you will [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments

Southern England Advised To Save Water

The driest winter in 20 years has led water companies to advise those living in southern England to save water where they can to avoid restrictions on their water usage later in the summer. Less than half the average rainfall was recorded in April, which followed the driest October to March period since 1995-96, with [...]

By |2017-05-09T11:42:01+01:00|News|0 Comments

UK Festivals ‘Becoming More Niche And Upmarket’

A growing number of music festivals have become fixtures on our calendars in the summer months. However, with more and more competition, organisers are looking for new ways to get events going and keep their popularity high. The Guardian revealed that a number of festivals in the UK are taking a more niche approach to [...]

By |2017-04-05T13:22:00+01:00|News|0 Comments
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