Could The UK Get Water Fountains?

Both mayor of London Sadiq Khan and secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs Michael Gove have suggested that water fountains and drinking bottle refill points could be installed around the UK. The Guardian reported on Mr Khan’s plans to roll out a series of water fountains and bottle refill stations around the [...]

By |2017-12-08T13:52:20+00:00|News|0 Comments

Children ‘Should Be Drinking Tap Water’

Some parents may believe that it’s healthier for their children to drink bottled water, but new research from the USA has revealed that doing so can lead to much higher instances of tooth decay. The Daily Mail revealed that 15 per cent of children who drank only bottled water were at a greater risk of [...]

By |2017-12-04T13:18:43+00:00|News|0 Comments

Christmas Markets Increase In Popularity

Despite fears over terrorist attacks, Christmas markets are still going to need event water delivery, as they are booming in popularity. Brits in particular are keen to continue to travel to Christmas markets and the sector has been growing. There are a number of new Christmas markets launching this year in London alone, and the [...]

By |2017-11-30T15:38:56+00:00|News|0 Comments

Making Water Carbon Neutral

We always argue that our event water delivery helps to make events more environmentally friendly as it avoids the need for bottled water. It also means we can get clean water out to off-grid places where getting running water would be difficult. However, we have never been able to make the water itself an environmentally [...]

By |2017-11-07T14:23:47+00:00|News|0 Comments

Advice For Event Planning And Bad Weather

With the evenings drawing in, there’s no doubt that it feels as though winter has arrived in the UK. That means if you’ve got any events arranged in the coming months, you need to be prepared for bad weather. The good news is that it doesn’t have to spoil your party, as long as you’re [...]

By |2017-11-07T12:15:00+00:00|News|0 Comments

Time To Ditch The Bottled Water?

There is growing awareness of the significant environmental impact that plastic pollution is having around the world. Figures from Surfers Against Sewage show that eight million pieces of plastic pollution make their way into our oceans every day. Some of the most obvious offenders are drinking straws and single-use plastic bottles. These items are so [...]

By |2017-10-26T13:30:16+01:00|News|0 Comments

Water Bottle Recycling Project Underway

We provide event water delivery and luckily haven’t yet been invited to help people who have been left without water after disaster struck. That is exactly what happened to the people of Brosely earlier this year, when a burst water pipe left 20,000 people without water. The emergency efforts saw over 500,000 litres of water [...]

By |2017-10-12T14:48:47+01:00|News|0 Comments

Are You Providing Enough Water At Events?

When you’re organising an event for a large number of people, there is a lot to think about, whether it’s a conference and business affair or a music festival. As well as the speakers, performers and other entertainment, there’s plenty else to consider. That includes your event water delivery - and given that we should [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments

Young People Need To Improve Plastic Recycling, Says Study

If you have an upcoming event, with a large turnout expected then you might be interested in the best event water delivery and plumbing to insure all runs smoothly. With hundreds of festivals taking place all over the UK this summer it’s shown how recycling of plastics from bottled water and waste needs to be [...]

By |2017-09-15T12:39:06+01:00|News|0 Comments

Don’t Bring Pineapples To Reading Or Leeds Festivals

For festival organisers there are so many things to think about, from event water delivery to making sure that all attendees know what they should and shouldn’t bring with them. Reading and Leeds Festivals have added a rather unusual item to their banned list this year - pineapples. The reason behind the ban is that [...]

By |2023-04-24T10:44:52+01:00|News|0 Comments
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